Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Two parcels came in the mail today - Oh Hallelujah! Was hoping they would arrive before Christmas, but instead they arrived today. Praise the LORD for their safe arrival.

Of the two, the parcel from Glasgow was especially special. I have been waiting for this for... hmmm... more than a year now?

It's my new RL Allan ESV Bible in gorgeous Chocolate Brown Highland Goatskin... :D

With bigger fonts...better text block cuz of better papers (supposedly)... and lined papers behind!

It's the brand new RL Allan ESV Reader's Version!

ESVR is the fruit of a joint effort by Evangelicalbible.com & RL Allan in trying to produce the BESTest ESV Bible - a Bible with all the features Bible lovers deem MOST important.

So u could only imagine the buzz in blogsphere over the past weeks ever since the Bible was (FINALLY) ready to ship. The SINGULAR question on everyone's mind has been - is the ESVR the ONE? Is it truly BETTER than ESV1?

Before I join in to give my 2 cents on the BIGGEST UPROAR so far concerning the issue of ghosting, here are a few pix comparing the ESVR to other Bibles.

The ESVR is considered "largish" as u can see from the pix. But NOT so large as to make it an inconvenience to carry to the Church, or ur Bible Study class.

* A study of the different "yapp" - from semi-yapp (top) to full-yap (middle) to ESVR's semi/full yapp.

One feature I truly like - the semi/full yapp.

And also the red-under-gold treatment for ESVR is waaaaaaay better than the pinkish ESV1 series. It was a relief to me :)

Now, the MOTHER of all buzz...BLEED-THROUGH or GHOSTING...

Comparing with ESV1:
* ESVR - Top, ESV1 - Left & Right.

With all the recent uproar over ghosting issue, when I received my ESVR, the very first thing I did was to check the level of ghosting...and I must say the ESVR isn't that much better than the old ESV1... :(

Update @ Dec 30th: ESVR paper definitely feels better quality than ESV1. Whiter too.

Comparing other Bibles with BOLD FONTS:
* ESVR - Left, Cambridge KJV Presentation - Right, Cambridge KJV Concord - Bottom.

Some at blogsphere have speculated that the ghosting of ESVR could be due to the extra BOLD typeface it uses... Well, when I compare it to my other two bibles with BOLD typeface, this "excuse" doesn't stand... :(

Comparing to Other Known Bibles with "Opaque" Papers:
* ESVR - Left, InTouch NASB - Top, Cambridge NKJV WM - Right, Cambridge KJV Cameo - Bottom.

Hmmm...clearly the others have better papers :(

So, conclusion - yes, ghosting IS an issue, and there are better papers out there.

But does that mean I am disappointed & gonna send back my ESVR? NO WAAAY!

Somehow I am not really THAT affected by the ghosting issue. The ghosting is only bad at those few places, like Psalms, Job...etc. But the majority of the Bible is totally "readable". Besides, I have "survived" using ESV1 for my daily bible reading for the past year...and I totally enjoyed every single minute of it. (THANK YOU, RL ALLAN!)

So I am going to ENJOY using my new ESVR next year as my MAIN Bible for my daily Scripture reading... :)

Happy New Year to u all!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Last night we celebrated Ah Liang's EXCELLENT PMR result - 7As - with makan :)

We are proud of you, dude! Praise the name of Jesus!


Only after I sat down and scan thru the photos did I realise something amazing this Christmas...

Here shows Ah Hui, Bella & Amy serving as ushers...

Here is Ai Ping helping out with some more youths serving as ushers...

Here is David & Ah Hui been part of the worship team...

Here is Evelyn serving as MC (well, I forgot to take a more "proper" pix :P )...

Here are all the kids performing a dance routine...

Here is Bernard giving his amazing testimony to the goodness & faithfulness of God Almighty...

By the GRACE of God EVERY SINGLE ONE of my family members is serving in one way or another this Christmas! This is truly the BESTEST Christmas ever! Hallelujah!

* Click pix to enlarge.

Lastly, here are the kids making friends with a bunch of youths from South Korea who are passionately serving Jesus, our LORD & SAVIOUR, as His ambassadors!

Merry Christmas to u all! Jesus is KING!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 04, 2009