Monday, March 22, 2010

Remembering Dad

It has been exactly four years since my dad passed away. I remember he was looking forward so much to see his "newest" grand-kid then. But as God would have it, my dad didn't get the "chance" to see Bethany.

Four years is quite a while in the passage of time. Long enough for many things to happen... expected & unexpected things. Like, Titanic was dethroned by Avatar...or the election of Obama...or my hair turning silver :)

But I bet if my dad were still alive, his BIGGEST surprise & delight would be to see Rachael been added to the family!

Rachael, born on March 11th, would be his 8th grandchild. She is such a beautiful girl! Absolutely gorgeous! Praise the LORD!

Having 8 grand-kids might sound like a "nightmare" to some, but I know for my dad...he wished for more. So I know for sure he would absolutely be blown away with the arrival of Rachael.

I used to listen in disgust and horror the philosophy of having a largish family - all under one roof - from my grandmother and my dad. It was the aspiration of all traditional Chinese men. It just sounded so tribal & primitive ;)

But recently I think I am beginning to see the "wisdom" in having such a "community"... especially when I see THIS pix:

My beloved Ah Lung kuku has 16 grand-kids!!!!

Well, it seems like our hope of EVER surpassing that Mt. Everest figure lies with...

(, that baby is not Rachael...that was Bethany)

Yes, my brother, you can DO it!!! ;)

Praise the LORD for my dad & the largish circle of relatives that I have!

1 comment:

uncle pete said...

你(Ben)原对大家族的观念深不以为然,现在好像已不再那么“在意”了。其实,凡事有正必有反,有好必有坏,这不是我现在想说的 ~ 我想说的是,不仅仅你奶奶和你爸爸期待大家庭,其实,最最希望五代同堂的, 是你爷爷(阿公)!只是当你阿公仙遊时你还小,你对他没多少印象罷了。
每年逢哥的忌辰,除了对他的无限感念外, 也就是我对父母追思的时刻…古人说, “父母在,莫远遊”。想想, 我这不孝子, 真是愧對双亲呀!