Monday, April 12, 2010

Greater Works?

How many times in your life have you wished IF ONLY you could perform some REALLY COOL miracles by the power of God (ok, may be a small one will do also lah)... how much EASIER it would be for you to convince others that God is REAL?!

Have you? Well, I confess I have. Many times.

I mean don't you wish God could somehow anoint you with the kind of power Moses had? Parting the Red Sea? Calling down plagues? Turning water into blood?

Dude! Thats SERIOUS attention getters, won't you agree? You will be like the HOTTEST ticket in town!

Lets consider Jesus' ministry while He was walking the streets from Judea to Samaria. Bible says everywhere He went, HUGE crowds followed.

How come? Well, I think a big part of the reason was: Everywhere Jesus went, miracles - signs & wonders - followed too. He healed the blind, cast out demons, raised the dead, turning water into wine, multiplying bread & fishes... the list just goes on and on! In fact, apostle John wrote:

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. (John 21:25)


Now, imagine TODAY. Imagine if the Church could DO all that TODAY... Gosh! You will be making converts in no time from your neighbors, your stubborn relatives, your irritating friends....even your enemies! ;)

That would be like THE ULTIMATE REVIVAL Christendom has been waiting for! Woohooooo!

So, the million dollar question is... IF I, a mere lowly mortal, could think of such a scheme, how come God doesn't seem to "get it"?

Why is God not pouring out MORE of His signs & miracles in the Church? Doesn't God want to see the world converted? I mean, we NEED all the help we can get, right?

After all, Jesus did promise saying:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12)

Today, according to surveys, we have like 1 billion Christians world wide... 2 billions if you add in the Catholics!

My question is: How come we don't see the "GREATER works" happening yet? (presuming greater works mean greater signs & wonders) I mean, I do hear scattered reports of the blinds receiving sights, cancers healed, the lame walked, deaf ears opened...even some dead were raised! (Praise the LORD for all miracles great & small!) But NOTHING on the scale & scope that many have been led to believe...

Are we lacking faith? Lacking true believers?

Over the past decades, we have certain circles of Christians who have developed certain theologies - under the guise of many names - that basically says there will yet be a "Golden Era" in the near future, in the last days, whereby God shall pour out SUCH anointing, SUCH abundance of signs & miracles, that it shall overwhelm even those recorded in the Bible in the early Church.... so much so that even Apostle Paul would envy from heaven... (hypothetically, that is lah) ;)

And there will be SUCH harvest of souls through these outpouring of "greater works"...

I used to buy that wholesale. But now, I have second thoughts.

to be continued...

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