Sunday, February 03, 2008

EBC New Chinese Worship Hall

The Mandarin service has a NEW worship hall today! This is really great since they don't have to "hurry up" anymore to vacate the hall for the incoming English service.

As the Mandarin congregation has been growing for the past couple of years, it was time to "expand". Praise the Lord the church was able to rent the shophouse RIGHT next door! How convenient!

But as in most "first day", sometimes there are...technical issues... especially with Window Vista & the new Microsoft Office (hint: get Mac)... the compatibility between the various versions... very the Headache one! I was surprised to see my pal Johnny didn't rip the PC apart. Very unusual. Must be bearing much fruit (longsuffering) of the Holy Spirit!!! ;)

I didn't realise Ah Liang is already taller than David & myself! Gosh, I think in another few months' time, Ah Bu will catch us up too!

This morning Evelyn did a great job at translating. Very proud of her. Pastor gave a very beefy sermon this morning with LOTS of reference Scripture verses.

So when Edison came, I could sense the immense relief from Johnny. Within a few short minutes and a few key-strokes, the projector was back in business! Hallelujah!

Praise the LORD for this new place, and praise Him for His provision!

A video slideshow:

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