Thursday, May 01, 2008

Jewish DIASPORA (גלות)

The Holocaust WASN'T the only attempt aimed at Jewish massacre, or total extermination. In fact, it was only one of the MANY attempts throughout history across different times, places by different evil men.

From the Egyptian Pharaoh who was trying to kill all the Jewish male child... to an evil Persian prime minister who was planning a nation-wide genocide of the Jews (pls do not confuse with the CURRENT Persian/Iranian prime minister, Ahmadinejad, who has similar ambition)... to the countless brutal expulsion & persecution by various kings & queens & even the "Church" in the Dark Ages, Middle Ages...etc etc... The Jews are simply the MOST persecuted & accursed race on planet earth bar NONE.

No kidding.

Twice in the history of the nation of Israel were their land conquered, their Holy Temple destroyed & her people banished, thus the term, Jewish Diaspora. The former by the Babylonians, the latter the Roman Legionnaires.

But the tragedy & sufferings of the Jewish people in ages past IS NOT a surprise. In fact, MOSES warned them specifically as such more than 4000 yrs ago!!!

"Then the LORD will scatter you among all the peoples, from one end of the earth to the other...and among those nations you shall find no rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting place...your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life. (Deu 28:64-66)

After the last Diaspora, for 2000 years, the Jews were literally scattered to all corners of the earth. Despite their small surviving numbers, despite their unending persecution, despite their incessant bad fortunes...they survived. And the greatest miracle - surviving together with their unique culture, belief, language, identity - across such a great expanse of time & space against IMPOSSIBLE ODDS.

Tragically, TODAY, once more we are witnessing alarming rise of antisemitism. Today we have not just terrorist groups - Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda, Hizbullah, PLO... but also NATIONS, declaring publicly their intention to see Israel WIPED off the surface of the earth. They have a supernatural hatred towards the Jews. In fact, the WHOLE world is rapidly moving towards a united front against tiny Israel.

Will they succeed? Will the Jews be uprooted once more? Will there be a THIRD Diaspora?

Let the Word of the Holy One of Israel, the LORD of host, God Almighty has the final say:

"I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them...I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God. (Amos 9:14-15)


[D]avid [C]heng said...

Hi Brother Ting,

Very good article from you. Very clear prophetic insights.

Keep on pointing people to Christ our Saviour.


David Cheng

BenTing said...

Thank you Pastor!