Last night was a most wonderful night. Last night was mom's Baptism night! This was a day many of us have been praying and waiting for. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!
As we arrived at Blessed Church, a nondenominational church, it was already "full" at ground floor so my wife & I had to wait at the overflow room upstairs.
Once the worship session was over, we quickly rushed down to the main hall. The place was PACKED! And I was told this is the usual crowd for their Saturday prayer night. Awesome! (I repent from "ponteng" from my own church's prayer night. Thanks to Pastor Amos for this morning's sermon.)
Pastor Lim announced there were about 120 people to be baptised last night! And at first we couldn't locate mom - lost in the sea of people.
Only after a while did we manage to find her. I must give special thanks to cousin Philip & his beloved wife, Linda, for been so faithful over the past year for "taking care" of mom. They had been tireless & most patient in encouraging & bringing mom to the Baptism class. Praise the Lord for cousin Philip & Linda.
It took me a while before I managed to get a front row "seat". I could see from the 120 people getting baptised, they were a good mix of young & old, male & female, the solemn & the funny - ALL whom Jesus had died for.
Also, special thanks to the guy in the "red shirt" behind. Mr Johnny is the cell group leader for the one mom is attached to, and he has been instrumental in helping mom over the past year too.
Finally it was mom's turn! I could sense her "apprehension" ;)
And in less than 10 seconds, the baptism was over! Hallelujah! Praise God for His love & mercy.
Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
(Rom 6:4)
As Pastor Lim said earlier that heaven is rejoicing over EACH & EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people getting baptised tonight, here down on planet Earth, it was good to see the support from friends & family members who came in droves to witness this most awesome occasion - an occasion made possible ONLY by the death-burial-resurrection of Jesus Christ.
And I am so happy to be a witness myself along with my wife, my sister Evelyn & Anna.
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
(2Co 5:17)
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