Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chicken Or Egg?

There was a time in my life when I sincerely believed that mankind did evolved from monkey. Better yet, I had a theory that UFOs were basically future mankind coming back in a cool spacecraft thru a time machine to visit their ancient ancestors :)

There was a time when I pondered, discussed & debated with my buddies on the mystery of this cosmos in a myriad of ways. From the ultra-brain-teaser on how does the time-continuum theory work in Back To The Future millennium-old question: "Chicken first or Egg first?"

Those days were quite cool albeit a bit naive & silly but it was tons of fun ;)

As the world celebrated Darwin's 200th birthday a couple of days ago, and heaping high praises unto his most famous treatise - The Origin of Species, I had this funny thought - I should have written down my UFO theory and become famous too la...

Anyway, should u be a Christian, a self-professing believer of Jesus Christ, what are ur thoughts on Darwin's theory of evolution? Did mankind evolve from monkey...or from the pre-historic rodent-like mammals if u go back a few more million years...or from the amoeba swimming in lava soup if u go back even further...???

What would ur answer be? Well, if u are like me who believes the Holy Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God, then the answer is simple. God Almighty is our Creator creating the cosmos as per Genesis chapter 1 - literally. Yes, literally.

And the "Chicken or Egg" mystery??? The answer can be found in Genesis was chicken first :)

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