Saturday, March 24, 2007


Today is an important day for my church, EBC Kuching. You can judge by the BIG plants sitting outside my church!

(FYI. U can click on the picture to see a BIG one.)

Band of brothers.

These are part of the "behind-the-scene (BTS) people" for any successful church function. Allow me to share with u what I mean...

How many of us notice HOW CLEAN is the church floor? We all take it for granted. Yet someone is behind it...

What is better than been greeted with BIG and WARM smile and a SINCERE handshake? Yet how many of us know the "sweat & effort" behind?

How many of us ever thought of how all those books and CDs by our invited guests ever come to be so conveniently displayed for sale in the church? Well, someone is behind carrying ALL those HEAVY stuff!

Or who made all those wonderfully "FREE" food? Who brought them in? Who carried them in?

Or who helped to guard the expensive cars outside the church? (Actually, we believers have angels who are so much stronger than Storm Troopers...)

SO MANY people are involved to make everything smooth & successful!

Some worked under TREMENDOUS PRESSURE...

(Just kidding! Bro Nelson is a wonderful person) :P

Well, I just want to do my part and give thanks and praise God for all those wonderful "BTS people" who just LOVE to SERVE...

There are just SO MANY of them! (And just LOOK at how BIG are their SMILES!)

And I can't even begin to name them ALL... Below are just some more examples...

To all the "BTS people" - I SALUTE U!!!

But just cuz I talk about "BTS people", don't u ever think our leaders are not playing a major role in the success of any functions. Without them, there WON'T be any function!

And don't u think they have no PRESSURE...

Kidding only ;)

Most of all, I praise God for this wonderful day.


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