Monday, August 13, 2007

Beach Day

After much food (KuNei complained WHY we keep on EATING & EATING), we planned to go down to the beach on Sunday after church.

We chose the beach cuz Diana loves to swim. So despite having a bit of flu the night before, praise God, it was all gone by afternoon.

The kids had a blast of a time.

Unlike the adults, the kids NEVER complained about having too much food.

Shortly, KuNei & Ah Lung kuku arrived together with Shirley & Philip.

So the kids swim & the adults chit-chat away at the pool side with plenty of junk food of course. We shared much on Christianity.

Soon it was off to the beach once the sun had set a bit.

Again, Diana surprised us. She isn't just an EXCELLENT artist...she seems to be GOOD at sculpture too... Here she was digging & beating the sand into a humanoid form...


Just kidding!

We hang around at the beach until... the kukus cannot tahan anymore (who were waiting in a room). They told us there were some more other relatives to meet that night. So reluctantly Diana had to join them. I think she would rather be with the kids than go and meet some aunties & uncles ;P

After saying goodbye, Chin introduced us to eat at this place...

Boy, the food was DELICIOUS!

Absolutely NO food wasted. KuNei would have been proud. And thanks to KuNei also for her "ang pow" that helped to "buy" this wonderful dinner ;)

And on the way home...ALL the kids were knocked out cold...

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