Last week, my church invited Ps William Lau over for his ministry - Elijah Challenge - equipping and training "ordinary" believers to be healers the Bible way. Both the pastor and the wife conducted a three night long "seminar". But, alas, I wasn't there! :(
But praise God I was back in time for the 2 nights of "Healing Crusade".
Over the years, Kuching is greatly blessed by quite a few healing rallies. Praise God for that. But rather than waiting for the next big rally, imagine if ALL the believers in Kuching are able to rise up with such mountain moving faith and start to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers... Glory be to God when such a day arrives! (It may come sooner than u expected)
Death & sickness are part of this fallen world as a result of sin. It doesn't matter how young u are, or how moral u are, or how much ginseng u consume... death & sickness will still find u. The people of the world might seek the answer and hope in the latest medical breakthru or the latest fad in healthy eating or the most qualified doctors... NOTHING wrong with them per se, but as believers in Christ Jesus, we have SO MUCH MORE! Our HOPE is in the LORD.
It angers me to see so many sick needing help. Especially the young ones. My heart aches for them. Bible says the devil comes to steal, kill & destroy (John 10:10) BUT Jesus came that we may have LIFE & have it MORE ABUNDANTLY!
I may not fully understand why some were healed and some were not healed in the 2 nights. But I know Jesus HEALS! The Bible says: and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. (1Pe 2:24)
Am I glad to see so many healing testimonies for the 2 nights! Hallelujah! And I understand some of those healed were not even believers! O the GRACE and MERCY of God. One thing I know, they didn't remain unbelievers for long ;)
Glory be to God, we have quite a few people coming up to accept Jesus as their Lord & Saviour. Did they believe cuz they witnessed the miracles? Did they believe cuz they were healed? Perhaps they might not "realise" yet, but by accepting Jesus as their Lord & Saviour, they themselves are going to partake the BIGGEST miracle of all - Salvation.
I know the day will come when there won't be anymore sickness nor death. Will u be there with the believers who have been bought by the Blood of the Lamb? Have u accepted Jesus as ur Lord & Saviour? Eternal life is a FREE gift of God fully paid for by Jesus on the cross. Will u accept it?
And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."
(Rev 21:3-4)
1 comment:
Dear Brother Ben,
This is Pastor Albert Kang, Coordinator of Elijah Challenge Asia. Can you email us the photographs and a soft copy of your blog or report. We need them for our archive. You can email to us at
Thank you very much
God bless
Pastor Albert
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