Friday, July 03, 2009

"Lost Years" of Jesus?

For the second time in my life someone told me Jesus spent His "lost years" in India/Tibet.

I wish I could guffaw as HARD as possible...but since I was in a public area, and with rice in my mouth, I decided that would not be a saintly thing to do.

"See, I was right." I told my my atheist friend after swallowing my rice properly.

U see, a couple of weeks ago, my friend sms me asking: "A fren asked - WHERE was Jesus during His teenage years." Immediately I sms back asking: "Is ur friend telling u Jesus spent His years in India?"

Apparently he was having some religious discussion with a "religious" friend of his - who is supposedly well read, well versed in all things religious...and more importantly, well versed with the Bible too ;)

So I advised my friend over lunch: "Trust me. People like him who claimed to have read the Bible NEVER actually did. Granted, may be a chapter here or there, or having read some commentaries, or having heard some here-say. That's IT!"

On the way home, I started to think to myself - WHAT IF one day I bump into someone like that? What would I say to him? Especially if that someone is a close friend or relative.

The more I think thru, the more AWWWWWED I am on the awesomeness, mind blowing matrix of interwinding, interweaving "checks & balances" from Genesis to Revelation on the Person of Jesus. The Bible is simply OUT OF THIS WORLD!

The Bible - a book that detailed the beginning, life story, mission, purpose, calling of Jesus NOT JUST from the 4 Gospels...but from ALLLLLLLLLLL the way back to Genesis and extending ALLLLLLLLL the way forth to Revelation in the MOST minute, comprehensible details - across a time span of thousands of years written by 40 authors across a vast geographical regions under diverse dynasties and circumstances - and YET, with a cohesive SINGULAR storyline, all seemingly from a SINGULAR source by a SINGULAR author.

The Bible IS a DIVINE book from heaven. A book that has been scrutinised, challenged, studied like NO OTHER book or literature in the human history in its accuracy or authenticity...

How FOOLISH can unregenerate men get? Well, as FOOLISH as believing Jesus was discipled by a Yogi, apparently. LOL!

Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths.
(1Ti 4:7)

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